Sedimentary sea salt for bath pure fine Zahrat Albahr "Sea Flower", 500 gr

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Sedimentary natural sea salt for healing baths Zahrat Albahr "Sea Flower" Grinding fine 1-1.5 mm. Sea salt has been used since prehistoric times. Its benefits are not disputed by modern doctors. Universal medicine Of course, salt is not a panacea for all ills, but the list of ailments with which it helps to cope is really impressive. Among them are hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, circulatory disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.? The healing properties of salt are directly related to its mineral composition. The composition includes many minerals: iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, manganese, copper, bromine, sulfur, zinc, sodium, beta-carotene. * Potassium and sodium are involved in the regulation of nutrition and cleaning of cellular structures. * Calcium is responsible for the skeletal system, for the mechanism of blood coagulation, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, forms cell membranes. * Magnesium is involved in cell metabolism and muscle relaxation. Among other things, this anti-stress mineral has an anti-allergic effect, slows down the aging process of the body. * Bromine calms the nervous system. * Iodine has bactericidal properties, regulates hormonal metabolism. * Chlorine is involved in the formation of gastric juice and blood plasma. * Manganese prevents free-radical oxidation, ensures the stability of the structure of cell membranes, the normal functioning of muscle tissue, the development of connective tissue, cartilage and bones. It reduces the level of lipids in the body, strengthens the immune system. * Zinc is responsible for immune processes, supports the functions of the sex glands, and prevents the growth of tumors. * Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen and the formation of red blood cells. * Selenium is essential for the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. It is an antioxidant and improves immunity. * Copper plays an important role in protecting the body from osteoporosis and cancer, is involved in the formation of elastic fibers. * Silicon gives elasticity to blood vessels and strengthens tissues, including the skin. Procedures with sea salt Of course, all of the above elements are best obtained directly from the sea. But, if it was not possible to go to a seaside resort, you can restore the supply of vitality in the bathroom. Sea salt baths are one of the most popular treatments. They have an excellent strengthening effect on the body. The bath combines the effects of two factors at once: thermal and chemical. Minerals dissolved in water penetrate the skin into the peripheral bloodstream. After taking such a bath, the so-called “salt cloak” remains on the skin - a kind of depot of micro- and macroelements. From there, our body continues to be enriched with useful substances for several hours after the procedure. Salt baths reduce the evaporation of water from the skin, perfectly moisturizing it. While taking a bath, blood flow to the skin increases significantly, the intensity of metabolic processes increases, and oxygen absorption increases. The bath is equally good for relieving both psycho-emotional stress and physical fatigue, after intense sports or a long holiday marathon. Saturating the body with minerals, it stimulates cell regeneration, improves skin elasticity. Baths with sea salt are recommended to take courses daily for two weeks. The effect of a sea salt bath depends on the concentration of the solution and the temperature of the water. It has been established, for example, that with a concentration of sea salt in the proportion of 25 g/l, the intensity of capillary circulation increases, and with a decrease in the level of salt concentration (up to 10 g/l), the capillary function remains practically unchanged. In chronic venous insufficiency, restless legs syndrome, the optimal salt concentration is 30 g / l, and the water temperature must be kept within 36–37 ° C.? This bath improves peripheral circulation, increases blood outflow from the lower extremities, helping to get rid of edema. Sea salt is an excellent exfoliant and is used as a peeling. Salt for peeling is not used in its pure form, since salt crystals have sharp edges and can injure the skin. For peeling, ready-made preparations are used, where the salt is placed in a polysaccharide gel, or the crystals are mixed with massage oil immediately before the procedure. Such a peeling exfoliates horny scales well, but does not scratch or irritate even delicate skin, while it has an excellent massage effect that activates blood circulation and increases lymph outflow, which will help get rid of cellulite. Method of extraction of sea salt: Under the influence of wind and solar heat, within 8-10 months, the evaporation of sea water and precipitation (precipitation) of salt to the bottom of artificially created salt lakes. The uniqueness of sea salt: During the period of rapid flowering of algae under the influence of the sun, they produce a rich complex of bio-active substances: carotenoids, natural waxes, essential oils, iodine. The extracted salt impregnates these biocomponents into the intercrystalline space and can keep them in its structure for up to 15 months. The presence of these biological substances determined the mysterious natural shade of salt, which depends on the season of harvesting. Mechanism of action: Human skin has a good conductive capacity. All natural components of salt easily penetrate the skin through the pores and lymph channels and are carried by blood and lymph to the internal organs. Oxygen metabolism is stimulated, the body is cleansed of toxins, the skin is better supplied with blood, gets rid of excess moisture (cellulite). Use natural essential oils for invigorating, soothing baths and for weight loss. The cosmetic and healing effect of such baths will exceed all expectations. Essential oils practically do not dissolve in water, they must first be mixed with natural sea salt, which, being an emulsifier, contributes to the uniform distribution of the essential oil throughout the volume of water in the bath. For a large bath, 3-4 drops of oil are enough. Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen the immune system, tone, rejuvenate and cleanse the skin, help in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. Indications for use in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes: • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension stage 1-2; IHD - stable angina pectoris 1-2 functional classes, circulatory failure not higher than stage 1; hypotension in the initial stages; initial manifestations of obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities ; chronic venous insufficiency as a result of thrombophlebitis 2-3 months after the end of an acute inflammatory process occurring with fever; varicose veins or absence of ulcers); • Diseases of the organs of support and movement (arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tuberculous origin: rheumatoid arthritis; brucellosis, dysentery, etc.); deforming osteoarthritis; diseases of the spine (spondylosis, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.); • Diseases and consequences of traumatic injuries of bones and tendons; • Diseases of the central nervous system; consequences of injuries of the spinal cord and brain, consequences of poliomyelitis, neuroses (neurasthenia, psychasthenia, hysteria, etc.), vegetative-vascular dysfunctions; • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: spinal osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations, plexitis, neuritis, liradiculitis; • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs: uterus, appendages, adhesions after surgery, functional ovarian failure; • Some skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis) • Kidney diseases: primary or secondary chronic pyelonephritis in remission or latent process; chronic pyelonephritis complicated by renal failure in the latent stage. Ingredients: pure natural sedimentary sea salt (iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, manganese, copper, bromine, sulfur, zinc, sodium, beta-carotene). Weight 500 gr. Origin: Syria Store in a dry place, shelf life is indefinite.
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